Session 1 Plenary
Measuring outcomes and publishing in CME
Don Moore (Vanderbilt University; Guest Editor JECME) and Robin Stevenson (Editor-in-Chief, JECME)
This session will review the Journal of European CME’s special collection on Outcomes in Continuing Medical Education (CME), Continuing Professional Development (CPD), Continuing Education in the Health Professions (CEHP), and Interprofessional Continuing Education (IPCE). Those authors who submitted manuscripts describing, from their own experience, an attempt to accomplish an outcome in health professions education will be interviewed to discuss their work.
After this session, participants should be able to:
Discuss the results of outcome studies to help practitioners in CME, CPD, CEHP, and IPCE design learning activities that lead to improved clinical performance and enhanced patient health.
Examine methods of outcome measurement, how they are used and assessed, how desired outcomes influence educational design, and how practice gap analysis determines desired outcomes and appropriate educational design.
Educational materials:
JECME Special Collection 2020 (https://www.jecme.org/call-for-papers)
Identifying factors for success in online learning
CME/CPD outcomes in oncology:
A global perspective
Digitising interprofessional collaboration