Elizabeth Kelly
Eli Lilly, UK
Elizabeth Kelly started her career as a registered nurse (RN) in Oxford, UK before moving back to the North West of England where she specialised in community nursing. Elizabeth joined the pharmaceutical industry in 1992, initially as a nurse adviser supporting the education of GP practices in heart disease prevention management. This was followed by many successful years in various commercial roles driven by a desire to add value through education, including helping to establish acute schizophrenia and early memory clinics to better diagnose and manage patients. Since being at Lilly, Elizabeth has continued to develop her passion for medical education in oncology at national and regional levels and is now responsible for developing the Global Thoracic, GI and Precision Medicine Medical Education Strategy and solutions. Last year, she spent 7 months in China supporting the establishment of the Lilly China Med Ed function. She is also part of the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) Medical Education Working Group.