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Céline Carrera

EIT Health, France

Céline Carrera is EIT Health’s Education Director. Céline has more than 15 years’ experience in the space of medical education, much of that spent working with accreditors and learned societies. She has also been on the Board of Directors of the Global Alliance for Medical Education (GAME), serving as Secretary and Chairperson of the Nominations Committee. In addition, Céline has held several volunteer positions on various councils and committees of the Union Europeenne des Medecins Specialistes (UEMS). She was appointed as a founding member of the Biomed Alliance Continuing Medical Education (CME) Committee, where she led an environmental study of learned societies in the field of CME/Continuing Professional Development (CPD). Throughout her career, Céline has contributed to a series of peer-reviewed publications in CME. Before joining EIT Health, Céline worked for the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), where she was the Head of Education.

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